
Dear Prospective Sponsor,

     The S.M.A.A.’s Team Arizona is proud to announce that we will be representing the State of Arizona to compete against other States at the S.M.A.A.’s US Martial Arts Games on December 16 & 17, 2011 at Gaylord Palms Resort in Florida.

Team Arizona is seeking sponsors to help with the following:

 Airfare     Hotel Reservations     Car Rental     Meals     Fighting Gear

 The Southeastern Martial Arts Association is proud to announce that the S.M.A.A. US Martial Arts Games are scheduled to be held on December 16 & 17, 2011! The games will be held in conjunction with the prestigious 2011 Southeastern Martial Arts Hall of Fame awards banquet. The S.M.A.A. expects over 1000 competitors!

This is the tournament where every state’s “Best of the Best” compete for state dominance. The winning state’s S.M.A.A. State Representative will be presented with a beautiful and prestigious Champion State Cup at the Southeastern Martial Arts Hall of Fame. There will be media present and more!

The Southeastern Martial Arts Association and the Southeastern Martial Arts Hall of Fame where founded in 2005 by Arnaldo Lugo with the help of Wayne G. Lyles and Soell Lugo to promote the Martial Arts, to bring Martial Artists together and to help recognize Martial Artists for their outstanding achievements, contributions, and hard work.

On September 2009 the S.M.A.A. became an international organization with over 2000 members in our brotherhood. On January 2010 the S.M.A.A. once again grew by teaming with other martial arts organizations and developing new partnerships with organizations that share our same goals. As a result the S.M.A.A. now has numerous societies under the S.M.A.A. umbrella that focus on individual disciplines in order to better serve our members.

Being a member of the S.M.A.A. has its benefits. The S.M.A.A. has grown over 5000 members strong and is an established organization serving our members since 2005. We have hosted a variety of seminars throughout the U.S. and Puerto Rico and we have been contracted by Universities, Colleges, Private Corporations, and Government agencies to develop specialized training programs and provide professional training in defensive tactics, firearms, and more.

The S.M.A.A. has chosen to take a new route in tournaments. We have chosen to separate from the ELITE tournaments and have instead started our own tournaments we are calling “Family” Martial Arts Tournaments.

The S.M.A.A.’S U.S. MARTIAL ARTS GAMES are also a qualifier for the 2012 U.S. MARTIAL ARTS TEAM under Master Alberto Friedmann, US Director of the World Martial Arts Games & Head Coach for the US Martial Arts Team. The U.S. Martial Arts Team represents the U.S. at the WORLD MARTIAL ARTS GAMES against the best of the best from around the world. U.S. Martial Arts Team scouts will be presenting invitations to competitors on site.
                                                       Levels Of Sponsorship
                                            Title Sponsor - $2,500 or more

Logo on Uniforms 

Exclusive sponsorship level

Press Releases to Local and National Press

Team Arizona to wear Logo whenever possible

Logo to be worn at all televised and publicized events

Mentions by Team members at events

Top Spot on Website Sponsor Page

Top Spot on all printed collateral material

3 Free Group Self-Defense Seminars conducted by Shawn, Head Coach

Certificate of appreciation as a sponsor of the US Martial Arts Team Arizona

                                                Gold Sponsor - $1,000 

Large Logo Spot on Website Sponsor Page

Large Logo Spot on all printed collateral material

Large Logo Spot on Autograph cards and/or Posters

Free Group Self-Defense Seminars conducted by Shawn, Head Coach

Certificate of appreciation as a sponsor of the US Martial Arts Team Arizona

                                                Silver Sponsor - $500

Medium Logo Spot on Website Sponsor Page

Medium Logo Spot on all printed collateral material

Certificate of appreciation as a sponsor of the US Martial Arts Team Arizona
                                        Bronze Sponsorship - $250

Small Logo Spot on Website Sponsor Page

Small Logo spot on all printed collateral material

Certificate of appreciation as a sponsor of the US Martial Arts Team Arizona

                              Friendship Gift - Anything less than $100

No gift is too small

Team Arizona’s appreciation and eternal gratitude

Certificate of appreciation as a sponsor of the US Martial Arts Team Arizona

All donations are tax deductible. For Donations Under $1,000 you may make them directly to Shawn McFadden, Head Coach. Otherwise you may write a check to US Martial Arts Team, *ON THE MEMO SECTION OF THE CHECK PLEASE INDICATE FOR *TEAM ARIZONA*  and Mail your check to 2819 W. Louise Dr #4 Apt, Phoenix, Az 85027.  For Donations over $1,000 please contact Shawn McFadden at 602-384-0761 or 623-552-1810.  Or you may write to [email protected] or [email protected]
